WInter’s fast approaching, and for many bikers that means it’s getting to that time of year when they think about stashing their pride and joy away under covers for the next few months and wait for the rain, sleet and snow to pass.

That’s not the case for everyone, though – some riders don’t have a choice and will be starting to think about preparing their bike (and themselves) for riding right through the winter.
To help ease your winter woes, we’ve rustled up a brief guide to help you get set up – no matter whether you’re planning on tucking your bike away or riding right through the colder months.
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Plenty of riders choose to lay their bikes up over the winter months. And as the nights draw in and the weather starts to take a turn for the worse, now’s the time to get your bike ready for hibernation. To ensure it’s in tip-top shape when the weather warms up again, there are a range of jobs you can do before you tuck it away.
To read the rest of this article, check out the November issue of Motorcycle Sport and Leisure, in the shops NOW!