
NEWS: Royal Enfield’s ‘Rentals and Tours’


Royal Enfield’s just launched a cool new ‘Rentals and Tours’ service which makes it easy to snag the keys to a range of its rides the world over…

The Indian firm’s gone from strength to strength over the past few years. While its old-school back-to-basics thumpers have always proved popular among riders of a certain disposition, its pair of 650 twins and adventure-ready Himalayan marked the start of a new era.

Royal Enfield Tours & Rentals

With a whole host of new models that stick to that retro ethos while looking to the future, Royal Enfield’s probably about as popular as it’s ever been. That’s probably why it’s decided it’s time to build on the success of its Royal Enfield Rentals scheme in India and roll out the good times to a whopping 52 destinations around the world.

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And it’s not just rentals anymore… Alongside its partners around the world, it’s offering the chance to get involved in some seriously special organised and guided rides, as well as offering independent routes too. Sounds brilliant to us.

Speaking about the news, CEO B Govindrajan said, “Royal Enfield has long been associated with epic journeys of exploration, with enthusiasts traversing countries, and continents on our motorcycles for decades.”

“We believe we deeply understand the desire for adventure and to discover the world on two wheels. The Royal Enfield Rentals and Tours programme not only simplifies the logistics of motorcycle tourism, it also opens a world of new opportunities for those with the spirit of adventure in their hearts.”

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You’re spoilt for choice when it comes to where you can ride. There’s stuff going on in India, France, South Africa, Peru, Indonesia, Colombia, Turkey, Namibia and the U.K. And that’s just the half of it. If you want to find out more, head over to the Enfield website, tap in your details and confirm your interest, and then someone will be back in touch from the relevant branch of the business to fill you in on all the details and get you booked in. Easy as that.

For more information, visit: www.royalenfield.com/rentals or www.royalenfield.com/tours


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